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Comunidad de San Egidio

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

La Comunidad de Sant`Egidio is an NGO that was founded in Rome in 1968 under the auspices of the Vatican. Today it is a lay religious order with over 50,000 members in over 70 countries worldwide.

The communities that are spread out all over the world share the same spirituality and the same pillars that characterise Saint Egidio’s way: truth to the Word of God, service to the impoverished, interfaith dialogue and dedication to attaining world peace.

The Comunidad opened in Madrid in 1988 helping families and children in the marginalised neighbourhoods in Las Escuelas de la Paz, to the elderly that live along, immigrants and refugees, the homeless by giving meals to over 1,000 people weekly.

Please visit for more information.

The bond of friendship and collaboration with the Indian Women’s Charity Association began in 2012 with a monthly help of 250 bocadillos made every month for distribution by the Comunidad to the homeless that sleep all over the centre of Madrid. Milk was also distributed with the sándwiches.

Gradually the bonds between the 2 organizations has strengthened and today IWCA makes sándwiches every Wednesday for the Comunidad, as well as distributing milk.

IWCA also gives invaluable help with the Christmas dinner that our Comunidad organizes for 1,200 people by giving a bag of Christmas goodies to each needy person.


IWCA also has Bocadillo groups at four locations every month (Pozuelo, La Vaguada, Paseo Castellana and Parque Conde de Orgaz), where generous volunteers give their time to pack 200 sandwiches for the less fortunate, which are then distributed around Madrid.


Packing Christmas goodies by the children and volunteers for Comunidad de San Egidio


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